Welcome to WordPress Week of Speed at WPCacheOn!

WordPress Week of Speed at WPCacheOn cover image
Welcome to WordPress Week of Speed at WPCacheOn!

This year we are thrilled to announce our new tradition at WPCacheOn. Welcome to WordPress Week of Speed at WPCacheOn! In the beginning of the week of our birthday, every day we will release a new announcement related to WordPress speed improvement. We will give you up-to-date advises and share our personal experience on how to make your WordPress website faster in any aspect from the server, the application and the whole way to the CDN service.

How much faster is faster enough?

Well honestly, we can’t answer this question, but we know for sure that faster is better. When we design and build the software stack that you are using or consider to use for your WordPress website, we knew that both security and speed are important to you – our users, and you should never have to compromise one for the other. All of the advises we are announcing this week will help to all of the WordPress users to have a better experience on the Internet with as much as up to 65% improvement in page load times for their websites, getting the most out of your web hosting, CDN service and other WordPress features. We will show you how to find the optimal route to faster website and providing the best user experience for your website visitors and potential clients. We never settle and always working on new features of WPCacheOn as our network continues to grow, so does our ability to improve the end product and ensure better support for rich media sites that rely heavily on images and video. This is the moment to thank all of the people that have contacted us and give us feedback, we hope you like the new changes, stay tuned for even more!

We also recognize that the WordPress and the Internet are evolving. New standards and protocols such as HTTP/2, QUIC, TLS 1.3 are great advances to improve web performance and security. HTTP/2 was introduced in 2015 by the IETF, and was the first major revision of the HTTP protocol. While our customers have always been able to benefit from HTTP/2 (if this protocol is supported by their hosting provider), we are also exploring how we can make that experience even faster.

All things in the Week of Speed at WPCacheOn

Would you like to sneak peek at what we are announcing this week? We are really excited to see this week’s announcements unfold each day! In each of the next five days we will post a new page where we will share speed enhancement techniques, announcements and stories from our own experience. We will demonstrate how we are making life better for you – our users and how you can apply these techniques for your WordPress website.

Monday: Web hosting – all we have to know about the server that will affect our website speed
Tuesday: Database optimizations – how to maintain healthy WordPress database
Wednesday: Application optimization – plugins, themes and WordPress core
Thursday: Post revisions, pingbacks and trackbacks – how they affect our website speed and do we need them
Friday: Content Delivery Network or CDN. Is it only for enterprise websites or anyone can use it too? What is the CDN service and how to configure it for my WordPress website
Saturday: Secret optimizations, surprise and WordPress Week of Speed at WPCacheOn closing day

We hope you are just as excited about our upcoming Week of Speed as much as we are. Be sure to subscribe to the blog to get regular updates sent directly to your inbox, because hey who knows … there always could be even “one last thing”.