
Release 2.2.0, NOV 2024
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.7.1
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with PHP 8.4
- Added new functionality: Redis, Memcached, and database cache are now fully supported
- Added new functionality: trigger PreCache and delete cache from WP-CLI
- New stunning design for the Settings page
- Improvements in the user experience
- Various code optimizations

Release 2.1.0, SEP 2024
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with WordPress 6.6.x
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with PHP 8.2 and 8.3
- Improved PreCache functionality
- Improved plugin codebase
- Showing current PHP version instead of date and time
- Fixed minor memory leak upon plugin deactivation
- Added option to trigger PreCache manually
- Added count for cached pages and posts
- Added option to control compression
- Other minor various improvements over the User Experience (UX)
- Performed complete security audit of the plugin

Release 2.0.2, 09 DEC 2020
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.6

Release 2.0.2, 15 August 2020
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.5

Release 2.0.1, 15 MAY 2020
- User Experience (UX) improvements
- Fixed an issue with server zlib.output_compression (strange characters issue)
- Added upgrade notice, this will provide information what is new in the latest version of WPCacheOn
- Added upgrade link from the WPCacheOn settings page to the WordPress Updates page, when new version is available

Release 2.0.0, 20 APR 2020
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.4
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with PHP 7.4
- Complete code rewrite and optimization
- Additional stability adjustments for caching rules
- Improvements over the PreCache mechanism
- Improved security of the cached files
- Completely rembranded WPCacheOn caching plugin
- New option – Cache Minification. Now you can control what to be minified or deactivate the minification completely
- Resolved issue – Problems when both Autoptimize plugin and WPCacheOn plugin are activated
- Resolved issue – Content of .htaccess removed

Release 1.2.7, 30 NOV 2019
- Improvements over the PreCache system
- .htaccess optimizations
- Small code improvements and optimizations
- Check our Birthday Week pages for additional WordPress optimizations:

Release 1.2.6, 14 NOV 2019
- Implemented in-house build PreCache technique
- Fix issue:
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.3
- Minor improvements over the the admin dashboard and overall improvements of the UX

Release 1.2.5, 10 OCT 2019
- Brand new admin dashboard icon
- Applied new technique where we ensure that all of the .htaccess optimization rules will be always applied
- More optimized .htaccess rules and preparation for WebP support
- File structure improvement
- Added new notification upon new version of WPCacheOn plugin
- Added support for localization – now you can help with translating WPCacheOn to your native language
- Fixed an issue with the core React.JS
- Fixed an issue with adding gzip for JPG image files

Release 1.2.4, 05 May 2019
- Tested and confirmed compatibility with WordPress 5.2

Release 1.2.3, 13 April 2019
- Improved plugin upgrade process
- Fixed an issue with the jpg browser leverage cache
- Overall code optimizations for better internal work of the plugin

Release 1.2.0, 24 March 2019
- Client issue report fix, click here for more information
- Code glossary and optimizations
- Update of the .htaccess rules for even better performance at:
GTMetrix, Pingdom and Google PageSpeed Insights
- Investigated and fixed the issue with the strange characters
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.1.1

Release 1.1.6 19 February 2019
- Initial release at WordPress plugin directory
- Tested compatibility with WordPress 5.1

Release 1.1.5, 13 December 2018 - WPCacheOn is now tested and confirmed compatible with WordPress 5.0 ! - WPCacheOn is now tested and confirmed compatible with WordPress 4.9.9 ! - Fast flush of cache from plugins menu
- Small bug fixes
Release 1.1.0, 7 December 2018 - WPCacheOn is now compatible with PHP 7.3 ! - Improvements and stability
Release 1.0.5, 22 October 2018 - Updated the WPCacheOn presence in the admin dashboard - Improved the WPCacheOn code structure Release 1.0.0, 16 August 2018 - WPCacheOn open beta tests release Release 0.1.0, 25 September 2017 - WPCacheOn first beta version release