We are very pleased to announce the latest update of the WPCacheOn WordPress caching plugin. There have been six months since the last update of the plugin. During this time we want to assure that we have been working constantly and tirelessly to improve the performance of the WPCacheOn and the appearance of the same. So let’s get on with the changes:
The first change that you will notice is our new look, logo and admin dashboard settings appearance.
We just want to let you know that this change is related to the fact that we have performed complete code refactor of WPCacheOn. This will ensure few things:
- Smaller footprint on the disk usage
- More security for the cached content
- More speed for your website
We know that the best way to display this will be by performing GTmetrix speed loading test with WPCacheOn v1.2.7 and version 2.0.0. You can see the results with the old version (1.2.7) on the next screenshot:

If you find that this is pretty good result, just see below the results with WPCacheOn 2.0.0 :

Now that are good results! Results we are pleased with!
IMPORTANT NOTE: The domain name and the website image are blurred due to GDPR. The tests are performed by our version 2.0.0 beta test users and they would like to remain anonymous. We completely respect that.
New and improved cache
We have tried different cache mechanism and techniques, so we can ensure that the best one is implemented in WPCacheOn 2.0.0. Otherwise the above result will be not possible. We have also performed changes and improvements over the PreCache™ system.
New feature – control the minification
Yes, now the control of the minification is in your hands. Of course for achieving maximum performance of your website by default the minification is enabled. The new settings can be found in admin dashboard > Settings > WPCacheOn. On this page you will see this:

From the Cache Minification menu you can choose from three options:
- Disabled – This option you will stop the minification
- HTML – Choosing this option you will set only HTML to be minified
- HTML & Inline JS – With this option you can enable the minification for all of the static content that can be minified
Native support for e-commerce
So far we had native support only for WooCommerce. From WPCacheOn version 2.0.0 we have native support for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads. This means that you do not need to perform any changes over the cache configuration if you have e-commerce website.
We have performed thorough tests with different WordPress applications on different hosting providers. We have ensured that WPCacheOn 2.0.0 is compatible with PHP 7.4 and WordPress 5.4.
Secure cache, no duplicating content
Every WordPress cache plugin is storing their cached files in the wp-content/cache
folder. Many of these plugins do not secure their cache. If the hosting provider do not stop the directory listing the cache will be publicly accessible on the next URL:
Where domain.com is your actual domain name. This means that the search engines such as Google, Bing, Yandex and others will index the cached version of your website. This will cause your own website to fight with his own cached content for position in the search engines. As you can already tell this is a huge killer for the SEO. We are now creating index.php
file in the wp-content/cache/wpcacheon
folder, so we can avoid this problem. With WPCacheOn version 2.0.0, if you access the next URL of your website:
Our index.php
file will be loaded, no cached content will be publicly accessible in any case. Your website SEO will be intact and even improved, because WPCacheOn improves your website speed, which have positive effect on the SEO.
Last but not least, we have fixed many bugs and fixed few incompatibilities, thank you for reporting these. If you find more, you can always Contact Us. We have also addressed an issues reported in the WordPress.org Support Forum: